Noded Bitcoin Podcast
Bitcoin current events, technical news, and commentary.
Noded 0.32.0 – Q&A
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard answer listener questions.
Noded 0.31.0 with Dan Held
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with Dan Held about Bitcoin, Picks & Shovels, and Interchange.
Noded 0.30.0 with Murad Mahmudov and Jeff Vandrew, Jr.
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with Murad Mahmudov and Jeff Vandrew, Jr. about everything Bitcoin from price to bugs.
Noded 0.29.0 with John Newbery (the CVE episode)
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with John Newbery about the Bitcoin CVE and moving forward.
Noded 0.28.0 – Q&A
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard answer listener questions.