Noded Bitcoin Podcast
Bitcoin current events, technical news, and commentary.
Noded 0.42.0 – Q&A
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard do a Q&A where they eventually answer questions.
Noded 0.41.0 – Q&A
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard discuss “journalism”, Bitcoin, the Lightning network, and everything else.
Noded 0.40.0 with Francis Pouliot
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with Francis Pouliot about Bull Bitcoin and Bitcoin entrepreneurship.
Noded 0.39.0 with The Bitcoin Rabbi
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with the Bitcoin Rabbi about Bitcoin and Judaism.
Noded 0.38.0 with Justin Moon
Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard talk with Justin Moon about BTC/LN developer education and his Buidl Bootcamp.