Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard chat with James O’Beirne and John Newbery about Bitcoin Optech and answer listener questions.

John Newbery: https://twitter.com/jfnewbery
James O’Beirne: https://twitter.com/jamesob
Michael Goldstein: https://twitter.com/bitstein
Pierre Rochard: https://twitter.com/pierre_rochard

Noded 0.6.0 with John Newbery

Tales from the Crypt #5: John Newbery https://talesfromthecrypt.libsyn.com/tales-from-the-crypt-5-a-conversation-with-john-newbery

Tales from the Crypt #18: The Brothers O’Beirne Pt I https://talesfromthecrypt.libsyn.com/tales-from-the-crypt-18-a-conversation-with-the-brothers-obeirne

Tales from the Crypt #19: The Brothers O’Beirne Pt. II https://talesfromthecrypt.libsyn.com/tales-from-the-crypt-19-a-conversation-with-the-brothers-obeirne-pt-ii-0

Tales from the Crypt #36: John Newbery https://talesfromthecrypt.libsyn.com/tales-from-the-crypt-36-john-newbery-0

Bitcoin Optech: https://bitcoinops.org/

Listener questions:

I would like to timelock my bitcoins to prevent attackers from getting my bitcoin even if I’m tortured for my private keys. How comfortable would you be with using something like https://coinb.in/#newTimeLocked, or using OP_CheckLockTimeVerify to timelock for let’s say 5 years? Would the risk of the Bitcoin network changing be too high like mentioned in the Far-future locks section of https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Timelock?

Can you guys explain unspent transactions more indepth?

How can a (restored) wallet actually find all the transactions that pertain to its many private keys. Does it actually TRY decoding every single transaction on the blockchain with every single private key generated forme ery single bitcoin address it holds? That sounds very inefficient, so I wonder if there is some math magic involved, however, given that bitcoin addresses are just hashes of public keys, that sounds unlikely. So…?

What are your views on their being only one implementation client ie Bitcoin core for Bitcoin…..is it a danger to decentralisation???…..how or should it even be tackled???

Bitcoin will have to hard fork to address the Unix timestamp bug before 2106. What happens to second layer solutions like the lightning network when the hardfork occurs? Isn’t it better to hardfork now while lightning is still in development? The bitcoin community is trying so hard to prevent a hardfork from occuring to make old nodes compatible with the network. Will these old nodes have to be updated in the future? Thanks

If the conditions could be arranged, how would you (could you even) build Bitcoin 2.0? Is there any set of circumstances you could envision that could enable that to happen?

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