Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard chat with Gabor Gurbacs about VanEck, ETFs, and the financialization of Bitcoin.

Gabor Gurbacs is the digital asset strategist/director at VanEck/MVIS.

Gabor Gurbacs: https://twitter.com/gaborgurbacs
Michael Goldstein: https://twitter.com/bitstein
Pierre Rochard: https://twitter.com/pierre_rochard

VanEck: https://www.vaneck.com/

MVIS Digital Assets Indices: https://www.mvis-indices.com/indices/digital-assets

Intro: Spencer Bogart on CNBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sED6cHRwn0

Outro: Jocko Podcast 125 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gey6hdySOm0

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